Title: My Reprive Author: Lisa Word Count: 200 Fandom: BtVS/CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Challenge: Challenge #000: Starting Over at tthdrabbles Notes: Part of "Everything's Bigger in Texas" series. Thanks to Ava for beta'ing. ( My Reprive )
Title: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Andrew? Author: Vesica Rating: PG Fandoms: BtVS/SG-1/SGA Word Count: 200 per chapter Disclaimer: Just a bit of mucking about in other people’s sandboxes. None of these characters are mine - lucky for them! Dedication: To jedibuttercup on the occasion of her birthday and for all her hard work and dedication in Mod’ing
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Title: The Calling Word Count: 100 Fandom: Anita Blake Challenge: TtHDrabble #009: Call of the Wild Characters: Willow Summary: Willow visits the Lupanar Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this drabble, I wish I did, but I don’t.
Title: Not Just a Book Word Count: 100 Fandom: Due South Challenge: #009 Notes: A new fandom for me but the challenge flared memories. Also another B(enton)/A(nya).
Title: Kindred Word Count: 100 Fandom: X-Men/Buffyverse. Challenge: TtHDrabble #008: Call of the Wild Characters: Wolverine, Oz Summary: The morning after. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. Shame.
challenge #009 for the week of 5-29 to 6-4 call of the wild - Vague, I know. Be creative.
Please remember that this is a community. We value the input of all our members. You can place your suggestions for weekly topics here. They may not be used right away,
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